You are not alone. 80% of Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life. Prolonged postures and/or repetitive movements are often the cause of chronic low back pain. Studies have shown that poor hip strength, limited hip mobility, and decreased motion in the mid back are all risk factors for experiencing low back pain. These limitations are often associated with prolonged sitting as a result of desk jobs. The great news is that these risk factors are areas that a physical therapist can address with you. A physical therapist can help assess your current movement patterns, joint and soft tissue mobility, and strength to determine a proper intervention for addressing your pain. For example, if a patient presents with decreased motion in the mid back, decreased hip motion, and strength, a potential treatment would consist of joint mobilizations to the mid back and hip, soft tissue mobilization to the mid back and hip musculature, mobility exercises to address the mid back and hips, and therapeutic exercises to maintain the positive changes made in mobility and improve strength. Physical therapists are trained to address movement dysfunctions that may potentially be causing pain. Additionally, it is recommended for patients who are required to sit most of their day, to set a timer as a reminder stand and move every 30 minutes in order to prevent hypomobility of muscles and joints.
Below are some examples of mobility exercises you sit at a desk for the majority of your day in descending order: seated thoracic spine extension, kneeling hip flexor stretch, hand/heel rock, doorway pec stretch.

Doorway Pec Stretch