“What is the difference between hip resurfacing and a hip replacement?”
The Birmingham hip resurfacing technique was designed as an alternative to Total Hip Replacement Surgery (THR). Both surgeries are used to alleviate pain caused by a degenerative hip joint.

The procedure consists of placing metal cap, which is hollow and shaped like a mushroom, over the head of the femur (thigh bone) while a matching metal cup (similar to what is used with a THR) is placed in the hip socket. This effectively replaces the surfaces of the hip joint that make contact with one another.
The potential advantages of hip resurfacing compared to THR include less bone removal , decreased chance of hip dislocation, and easier revision surgery because the patient will have more original bone available to work with. The potential disadvantages of hip resurfacing are femoral neck fractures (rate of 0-4%), aseptic loosening, and metal wear.
Hip resurfacing is typically intended for younger patients who are not morbidly obese, are clinically qualified for a hip replacement, do not have an infection, and are not allergic to the metals used in the implant. The patient’s doctor will determine whether or not the patient is a candidate for hip resurfacing.

After surgery, the rehabilitation process is important for both a hip resurfacing and THR. A physical therapist can be a key player in the patient’s rehabilitation process. Physical therapy sessions will focus on restrengthening the muscles around the patient’s hip, weight bearing exercises, and stretching. It is important that the patient attends physical therapy to ensure that he or she will be able to reach mobility goals safely and efficiently. Remember, each patient has a choice when it comes to physical therapy and rehabilitation. Mizuta & Associates can help patients achieve his or her goals after surgery.