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Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm


2 min read
Physical Therapy and Low Back Pain
Low back pain is one of the most common reason that patients visit their physician. Almost 25% of Americans report some incidence of low...

2 min read
Why Physical Therapy Patients Need to Perform Home Exercise Programs
Home exercise programs are prescribed by your therapist and are chosen based on deficits that were discovered and assessed during your...

2 min read
Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries
The winter season his here, and while we don’t see it in San Diego, snow is likely on the horizon for other areas of the state and...

2 min read
Hiking Into The New Year
Tis the season to start hiking! As a recent Denver transplant, I am used to foregoing hiking in the winter for alternative cold weather...

2 min read
Injury Prevention for Athletes
With summer coming to an end, school sports are just around the corner. However, with the transition from lazy summer days to a busy...

3 min read
Running Into Summer
Like many people, I moved to San Diego because of the beautiful sunny weather. In California, I have access to the outdoors on a year...

2 min read
Understanding Pain
As physical therapists we commonly ask patients about pain they are experiencing. We may ask you to quantify your pain on a scale from...

2 min read
Importance of Home Exercise Programs
Physical therapy is a designed primarily to give solutions to individuals experiencing pain, loss of strength, range of motion, or...

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Delated Onset Muscle Soreness
Have you ever worked out on a Monday evening, and woke up on Wednesday feeling incredibly sore? Did your muscles hurt to touch them? ...

2 min read
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), previously known as “clumsy child syndrome,” is a diagnosis given to children who display a...

2 min read
What Is Kinesiotape And How Do We Use It?
Kinesiotape was invented and developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase from Japan in 1973. Dr. Kase wanted to create something that would hold and...

4 min read
Pilates and A New Year
Happy 2015!!! As we dive in to this New Year, we find the latest exercise trends to reach our fitness goals, appearing in many forms....

3 min read
Physical Therapy Aides in Detoxifying Your Way Into a New Year
‘Tis the season to detox! After the holiday festivities subside, it may seem like your belt got a little tighter. If this is the case,...

3 min read
Exercising in San Diego
For many, beginning an exercise program seems just as daunting at quitting smoking or remembering to pay your taxes on time. If you are...

2 min read
How Physical Therapy Can Help Tennis Elbow
Lateral Epicondylitis, otherwise known as tennis elbow, involves the muscles in the forearm and wrist that attach to the lateral...

3 min read
Exercise and Pregnancy
If you just found out that you are pregnant for the first time, you probably have a million questions about how to adjust your current...

2 min read
Physical Therapy and Ankle Sprains
The ankle is very fragile part of the part composed of ligaments and tendons designed to hold numerous bones in place to carry the full...

2 min read
Tired All The Time Syndrome In San Diego
While it is normal to experience fatigue and energy loss with increased stress at home or work, usually a good’s night sleep will reverse...

2 min read
Physical Therapy and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
By definition thoracic outlet syndrome is a compression of the thoracic outlet which is a space in the front of the neck where nerves,...

2 min read
How Physical Therapy Can Help Chondromalacia of the Patella
Chondromalacia is translated to mean soft cartilage. Chondromalacia of the patella is abnormal softening of the cartilage under the knee...
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