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Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm


2 min read
Don’t Get Text Neck
Per the new research and in summary, tilting your head forward increases the amount of stress and weight on your spine. When you tilt...

2 min read
Active Release Technique
At Mizuta & Associates we offer Active Release Technique as a course of treatment. Active Release Technique is a hands-on touch and...

2 min read
Physical Therapy After A Mastectomy
Structured physical therapy post op mastectomy has shown to improve range of motion and pain, short and long term. Immediately...

1 min read
Mizuta PT In The Community
On November 12th, 2016 Julia Surdut Young and her husband Nick Young participated in the San Diego Lung Force Walk (American Lung...

2 min read
Stress Management
The Holidays are coming! This is a fun and exciting part of the year, however, all that planning, traveling, party throwing/attending,...

2 min read
Choose PT
New recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control to encourage patient’s suffering from chronic pain to seek physical therapy...

2 min read
Do You Know Signs of a Stroke?
A stroke occurs when the blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. When an area of the brain is deprived of oxygen the cells begin...

1 min read
Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia or the thick connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot during weight...

1 min read
Easy Workplace Stretches to Perform to Prevent Pain
If your 9-5 sitting and computer job is causing low back, neck, or arm pain here are a couple of stretches that may help. With all these...

2 min read
What is a Bunion?
A bunion is the term for a deformity of the great toe which is also known as hallux valgus in medical terms. Typically these terms are...

2 min read
Torticollis and Physical Therapy
Please call Mizuta & Associates at 619-564-7120 to find out what we can do for your child today!

2 min read
CDC Recommends Non-Opiate Alternatives for Chronic Pain
In March of 2016 , the Center for Disease Control (CDC) came out with new guidelines for the prescription of opioid medications for...

1 min read
Gardening and Your Body
It is almost summer in San Diego, and because of the beautiful weather, gardening is a major past time in our city. However, gardening...

2 min read
Balance Can Improve With Physical Therapy
Mizuta PT specializes in vestibular rehabilitation and can create a personalized program for balance patients.

2 min read
Don’t Be Afraid To Exercise – Ask A Physical Therapist
It is a fairly common complaint that we hear in our physical therapy office, “I would like to do [insert activity] but I am afraid my...

1 min read
What Does ‘DPT’ Stand For After Your Physical Therapist’s Name?
DPT or ‘ Doctor of Physical Therapy’ is a clinical doctorate degree. In combination with an undergraduate degree, physical therapist...

2 min read
Is Your Neck Causing Headaches?
There are 14 classifications of headaches including the commonly thought of migraine, tension, sinus, and post-concussive headaches.1 One...

1 min read
Easy Yoga Stretches For Spine Health
Mountain Pose or “Tadasana” Simple pose that is great for posture. How to: Stand tall with feet together. Eyes closed if you feel...

2 min read
Fall Prevention With Physical Therapy
Falls are a very common reason that we see patient’s in physical therapy, particularly in older individuals. The problem is, we typically...

2 min read
“Sit!” Postural Awareness
Posture is the positon of a person’s body when sitting or standing. Your body is holding you upright against gravity; and this takes...
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